Papua New Guinea MPs are CEO's

Imagine a manager applying for a CEO role in a large, successful organization, he/she would not be given the position because of how well he can speak and whether he threw a feast for all the shareholders and gave them K100 each.
He would go through a formal recruitment process
1. His CV would be made known
What is his background? Is he an achiever, leader – this can be seen from the results of his involvement. E.g. did he build a business, did he manage a large organization.
2. He would go through an interview covering some of the following points
What is your experience and qualifications?[The interviewer wants to know about his experience and details about his CV]
What were the challenges you faced and how did you overcome them?
[The interviewer wants to know if he has experienced hardships and what decisions he made. A man who is experienced in life can be trusted to make good decisions especially decisions involving lots of money or implications on people]
What experience do you have of working with winning teams & why?[The interviewer wants to see if he is a team player & if he understands the importance of teamwork]
What are the major challenges you see coming over the horizon?
[The interviewer wants to know if he is a forward thinker. If he is in touch with what is going on around him]
What would be your 4 key priorities if you were CEO?
[The interviewer wants to know if he has a plan and if he can boil it into 4 key points then he knows what is priority]
3. His references would be checked thoroughly
You can know a person’s character from who he spends most time with. If he has solid references from solid well respected people then it is good estimate of this person’s character.
Our Members of Parliment are responsible for an aggregate budget of about K3billion. Individually, they are responsible for K10million development funds as a minimum. They lead ministries & districts & provinces.
Shouldn’t intending candidates come under the same scrutiny as CEO’s of organizations before we the people give them a job of running the country?
We the people of PNG should be unbiased and apply the questions fairly across all the candidates. Only pick the one who passes the requirements whether you personally like him or not. Although nothing is for certain, you will most probable get a better result from someone who was chosen from such a process than one chosen in an ad hoc manner
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