Papua New Guinea MPs are CEO's

Imagine a manager applying for a CEO role in a large, successful organization, he/she would not be given the position because of how well he can speak and whether he threw a feast for all the shareholders and gave them K100 each. He would go through a formal recruitment process 1. His CV would be made known What is his background? Is he an achiever, leader – this can be seen from the results of his involvement. E.g. did he build a business, did he manage a large organization. 2. He would go through an interview covering some of the following points What is your experience and qualifications? [The interviewer wants to know about his experience and details about his CV] What were the challenges you faced and how did you overcome them? [The interviewer wants to know if he has experienced hardships and what decisions he made. A man who is experienced in life can be trusted to make good decisions especially decisions involving lots of money or implications on people] What experience do you ...