We read in the newspapers of large funds being paid out by the government to individuals for contracts etc. We hear of public funds being diverted into personal accounts and misused. We see overnight millionaires. We see the games being played by both sides of parliament; we see the lack of development in the provinces. Yet the people of PNG just sit and watch. We elect MP’s during election time and then spend 4 years complaining that we are not getting services. Then we elect the same type of MP again and spend the next 4 years complaining. We, the people, deserve better. “NO CARE” mentality Why doesn’t anyone care? The root cause for the "I don't care" mentality is the issue of PERSONAL RELEVANCE. Someone steals K10million from Government funds, how does it apply to me individually? I don't really know. That is why I am not out there protesting. If it was my savings in the bank that was misused by a bank manager - you bet, I would be out there protesting. My MP bypa...